It’s a long way to Tipperary…
When I was thinking, planning, failing and continuously giving up on writing my memoire “It’s not just my good karma”,
I had an amazing mentor who convinced me that I should “just enjoy the journey and never think of the destination”.

The Magic of Asking Why
At a time when most people seem to be excited about ChatGPT, AI and many other tech tools, professing rational thinking to be obsolete soon, the question to ask ourselves is whether the analytical nature of problem solving or strategic thinking by the human brain could ever be replaced by a machine?

Wildlife Tourism in Africa
I had the great fortune of touring two African countries that use wildlife tourism as one of their foremost forex earners.

There’s a one kilometer long stretch outside the main gate of Banaras Hindu University (BHU), which shares its name with the lovely island just south of the Indian peninsula.

Why should a Woman prove to be better than a Man to be a mere number on a Corporate Board?
I don’t get it. Seriously. For years this conversation has taken place in our boardrooms, cocktail parties, corporate circles, media platforms, professional fora… you name it.

The un-strategic me!
For some reason, this word ‘strategy’ has begun to irk me a no end and I find it being used loosely ever so often. As a result it has totally lost its value for me. The irony is that I am known to be ‘strategic’ in my thinking, and I am saying the exact opposite, or am I?
Here’s the thing. What really is strategy?

Mindfulness and Busy Business Executives
Words Mindfulness and Meditation is becoming extremely popular even in the world of business. Though I am not a so- called Guru but as a person who had been experimenting and practicing mindfulness over several decades, I wish to share my understanding of the subject with you.

CSR on my mind
CSR is such a widely used hot topic and in fact it seems almost a ‘fad’ in the corporate world today. Many theories, principles, discussions continue to happen on this concept called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). These lively discussions have given me food for

Gandhi’s Children
A compelling story woven around music and photography. Captures how ordinary people are still following a non-violent path to win their struggle.

The sad plight of the patients and their families suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease of an Unknown Etiology CKD(u)

the story of a 30 year old brutal war that impacted on children of the North-Eastern Sri Lanka.

The Power of ‘Not Doing’
A friend of mine who moved to an East Asian Country in charge of a factory found that the workers of Chinese origin taking a short nap immediately after the lunch break. First he was surprised by this habit but later discovered how that simple practice contributes to their higher level of productivity.

Nation Branding with Strategic Story Telling
Visiting Rwanda was one of my unfulfilled bucket lists that I just ticked. The two things that attracted me to this amazing African country is the world famous Mountain Gorillas and the much spoken of post Genocide development of Rwanda.